Abandoned and Illegally Parked Vehicles
Where we live and work is an important part of our lives. Most people strive to keep their homes looking nice and well maintained. Conversely, sights such as litter, dirt and spaces being occupied unnecessarily provides a negative feel to our environment. Some prime examples:
- an abandoned car
- a vehicle that is parked illegally
Simply put, abandoned and illegally parked vehicles are eyesores in neighborhoods. They also can create public safety hazards to its’ citizens and visitors. Most municipalities accept calls from residents and business owners regarding these offenses. Typically, the local police will handle the situation and have the vehicle relocated and removed.
Parking in a fire lane, is not only illegal but it also puts everyone else in the building and immediate area in danger. If you happen to notice a vehicle parked where it should not be for consecutive days; it is best to notify the local authorities.
Aside from the safety concerns and causing an eyesore on the landscape, vehicles parked illegally hurt local businesses; taking up crucial spots for actual clients. Also, these abandoned vehicles take away from the positive impression of the area and may chase potential customers away and deter future sales.
If you have someone parked on your private property, is blocking a dumpster or fire lane and hurting your business, it is time to call someone to help. Many towing companies in the Chicago area will assist business owners and the authorities when it comes to removing abandoned vehicles.
Speedy G Towing has provided towing services for the Chicagoland area for over 20 years and can be contacted at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at 224-633-1185.