Prep Your Emergency Car Kit!
Cars provide us with so much in our day to day lives. They get us to and from work, deliver our kids to their miscellaneous events, and provide sanctuary when we just want to listen to some good music. But for all their benefits, we need to remember that sometimes cars break down. In those moments we need to be ready for whatever situation lies ahead, and Speedy G Towing is here to help you stay safe and stay prepared.
Here are a few basic items you’ll want to keep with you in your car at all times:
- Jumper Cables: This is a pretty obvious item, but essential to any roadside emergency kit. Most cars come with cables but if you’ve misplaced them you can pick up a new pair in most hardware aisles.
- Caution Signs or Reflectors: If you’re stuck on the side of the road, especially on the freeway, you’ll want to make sure other cars knows where you are.
- First-aid Kit: Always good to have, just in case.
- Coolant and Oil: Having too little oil or coolant can cause all sorts of problems, make sure you have extra on hand.
- Flashlight: It’ll be tough to pour that coolant in the dark without one.
- Ice Scraper: For the Chicagoland area, this is always a necessity.
- Speedy G Towing Contact Info: If all else fails and you can’t fix the problem yourself, we’re here to help! Keep our number (224-633-1185) and booking site (http://public.towbook.com/kQw) saved in your phone!
These are just the most basic items you’ll want to include, but if you really want to plan ahead don’t stop there! You can add bottles of water, small snacks, a tool kit, and even a tire patch kit to make sure you’ll be ready for any possibility. No one ever wants to be stuck in an emergency situation, but if the time comes be sure to be prepared!