Your auto insurance may cover the cost of this, depending on your coverage. You may also have a credit card that will provide free or low-cost towing as a benefit. Don’t forget about your roadside assistance plan, if you have one.
The average cost of a tow is around $109, depending on how far you have it towed, and rates will vary, but you need to know how you will pay for this if you ever do need a tow.
Auto Insurance
Towing your vehicle may be covered in the case of an accident, depending on which elected options you included in your coverage. You also may be able to purchase roadside assistance or towing as an add-on option to your policy. You may still have to pay something out of pocket if your policy has a deductible. Contact your insurance agent for more information on what your costs would look like for this.
If your car is damaged because of an accident with another driver and that driver was at fault, the other driver’s liability coverage may pay to have your car towed.
Either way, be sure to keep all paperwork in case you have to file for a reimbursement down the road.
Auto Club or Roadside Assistance Program
Some people sign up for a roadside auto club, such as AAA. The cost of these services is low and probably less than the cost of towing multiple times. If you need a tow, and you aren’t stuck in an urgent situation, sign up with AAA and then call for a tow truck. This is the best-known Auto Club out there, but there are other options as well, you may want to do your research to find the one that best fits your needs.
Credit Card Perk
Roadside assistance is also included as a cardholder benefit on some credit cards. The Roadside Dispatch benefit is offered on many Visa credit cards, for instance. It charges a flat fee for a standard service call, which includes towing up to 5 miles. Beyond that, the cardholder pays the difference. Additionally, jump-starting, tire changing, lockout service, and fuel delivery are included in the standard service call.
Before you go on your next road trip, make the necessary calls to find out how you can save money when you need a tow. Knowing before you go will help you remain calm in any situation or accident that may come up the next time you travel.
We’ll help get you back on the road! Call Speedy G Towing, 24 hours a day at 847-844-1400.