Author Archives: speedyGAdmin

Towing Your Antique Car

Unlike everyday vehicles, which depreciate over time as you add miles to them, classic cars may, in fact, gain value over the years. Here at SpeedyG, we know that your antique car can be one of your most prized possessions. Should something ever happen to it, whether it be weather damage, an accident, or just […]

What to look for when you break down on I-90

If you live in Illinois, the first thing that you already know is how dangerous driving on the highway can be. I-90 is one of the most highly used interstates in the State of Illinois. With that being said, there are a few things we recommend about what you may want to do when your […]

Top 3 Things to Know When You Break Down

Safety First Your physical safety is your top priority. Take a quick self-assessment! If you are injured, seek treatment immediately. If not, assess your vehicle. Is it safe to stay in or near it? Is your vehicle on the shoulder of the road? Is there heavy traffic? And while we’re assessing, how’s the weather? Are […]

Take Hassle Out of Moving with Relocation Towing Service

As if our lives weren’t stressful enough, car trouble is a common annoyance for many that can derail an already busy day. It’s even worse when your car breaks down away from home – such as at your work’s parking lot, on a busy road or highway, or in front of a hectic retail store. […]

Prep Your Emergency Car Kit!

Cars provide us with so much in our day to day lives. They get us to and from work, deliver our kids to their miscellaneous events, and provide sanctuary when we just want to listen to some good music. But for all their benefits, we need to remember that sometimes cars break down. In those […]

What Makes Our Roadside Assistance Excellent?

Our cars are our lifeline in many ways. They help us get our kids to and from school; they take us to-and-from work; they allow us to see our friends and family; and they’ll help us get around even when we get older. Thus, when something happens to your car, it can be devastating. Not […]

Ready Yourself for Recovery Services

Winter is on its way and though we may not all be fans of the cold weather, there are also some great things to look forward to! Family holidays and winter activities make the sometimes inclement weather enjoyable, but with the busyness of the holidays comes a lot of travel and stress on your vehicle. […]

Winterizing Your Car

Make Winter Installations Sometimes your regular gear just won’t cut it in the frigid winter weather. For example, your summer windshield wipers won’t help to keep beads of ice from forming on the blades, but winter wipers are a little more heavy-duty and perfect for snowy, icy weather. Similarly, winter tires are specially made for […]

What to do When You Break Down

First, whether you get a flat tire or run out of gas, the best thing to do is to ease your foot off the accelerator and carefully try to get yourself to the side of the road. Don’t brake suddenly and make sure you’re signaling your next move to the drivers around you. Once you’re off […]